Yay! I've been awarded the Good Egg Blog Award!

I am so honored! This award came at such a great time because today I got home from the doctor bummed out...and then I saw my award! Almost makes the laryngitis feel better! Thanks to Barbara over at Footprints in the Sand for giving me this award! If you haven't read her blog, stop by...she's an expat living in France.
Here are the rules for this award:
1.Thank and link back to the person who gave me this award.
2.Share 7 things about yourself
3.Award other bloggers (you determine who and how many)
4.Contact these blogs and tell them about the award.
7 Things About Me:
- I spent 6 years on a sailboat sailing around the world with my family
- I love dogs
- I got married last June at 22
- I majored in Child and Family Development
- I love babies
- I live in Beijing
- Next my husband and I are thinking about moving to Australia or New Zealand
And now I tag:
I'm so glad it made your day! I love reading about your adventures in China!