I've been home for 9 days now! It has been great...with one exception. Felt a little nauseous two days after getting home, but thankfully I went away...then I ate Taco Bell. I threw up for six hours and dry heaved for a lovely additional two hours. Then I could barely eat for four days. Silver lining, I caught up on a TON of sleep. I also lost 5 pounds...not quite what I was expecting on my trip back home.
We arrived home to my parent's house to see their 'mother in law' all set up for us. The most awesome aerobed...that was elevated like it had a bed frame and had a bed skirt. The room has a full bath and kitchen plus all of our stuff is stored down there. My mom stocked the kitchen with all of our favorites including four cases of our favorite beers.
Christmas was wonderful and we got great gifts. We both got iPads, tons of gift cards, I got jewelry and hubs got socks ;) video games and a great Swiss Army watch. I am now all I'd up...pod, phone and pad! The iPad s great and we both love it. With our gift card we got a great new camera, the CoolPix L120! Love it!
We've had a great time seeing our friends and family and they loved all their Chinese gifts. The little Chinese dresses for the baby gifts in particular were ADORABLE!
In addition, I got a wonderful surprise from my last post. A new reader who lives in Atlanta is moving to Beijing and we are going to meet for coffee tomorrow! It's nice to know that people read my blog and that I can help a future Beijing expat!
Return to New Zealand
5 years ago