
Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Beginning

There have been so many changes in the last 6 months! While I was finishing up my last semester at school, my boyfriend was offered a position in Beijing. The job would be great for my boyfriend, because who doesn't want an exciting new job in a field they love. It would also meant a big move to a country that neither of us had been to and the beginning of a lot of serious relationship questions.

In May I graduated from UGA! After four years of hard work, first at Florida State and then at the University of Georgia, I finally finished my undergraduate degree. Goodbye to one stress, hello to the whole new stress of deciding what to do with the rest of my life.

So Beijing...If only it was as easy as just moving there. My boyfriend's visa was taken care of by his company, but the only way I could insure that I could go with him was for us to get married. After a lot of serious talk, my boyfriend and I decided that we needed to do whatever was necessary so that we could stay together. After months of talking to his team in Beijing and working out the kinks, we planned a wedding in two weeks and got married in my parent’s garden. It was beautiful and we had a rare day when the humidity was not so bad that it fogged up the camera. Now we have been married for about 4 months and we are preparing to leave for Beijing in a week!

This blog is my way of documenting our time in China and connecting with people from all over about all sorts of topics. If anyone has info about visiting Beijing or living there, feel free to share. Also, for anyone that loves their career and thinks it would be a good fit for a girl that loves to work with people and considered psychology for a while...please share. Until next time, K